Why Choose SkyDiVr
For a start it provides new revenue streams for your dropzone from visitors. They come to support their loved one who is doing a tandem. They don't want to jump for real, but like the idea of trying something new...
From Our Students…
OK...you want them to stay around. Put yourself in the shoes of your skydive student for the next few minutes.
Most likely they are a "millennial". So they have grown up with technology. And they want to appear knowledgeable and skilled (we don't know anyone who doesn't but hey - just making a point). They want to be good at flying a parachute as soon as possible. Because let's face it: consistently landing their parachute safely in the landing area is like a badge. A badge which means they get invited to go up and play with others.
Now can you recall when you were learning to fly your parachute? How long did it take? What mistakes did you make? What did it feel like when because of wind you couldn't when others could jump? If you knew then what you know now?
Your answers to these questions are relevant.
Because they lurk in the back of your students mind. They (and questions like them) generate self doubt which detracts from enjoyment.

As a DZ manager/operator/instructor/coach, how can you improve the efficiency of providing and the consistency of the answers to these questions?
The training to enable canopy confidence sooner rather than later?
To practice making wise decisions under canopy?
To look out for and keep track of other canopies?
Recognize relevant landmarks?
Comprehend the landing pattern and associated altitude points?
Understand the value of assessing groundspeed?
Not needing a radio?
Where else can a student gain the experience of five parachute flights with an investment of 20 minutes?
It’s not uncommon for students to be somewhat nervous before their first solo canopy flight. I find this program a bridge to confidence. Offering a practical exercise that confirms Ground School training. It is easy to navigate, and very user friendly. I like the ability to enter conditions of the day before every simulation for realism. During the flight key commands come in useful to confirm what was discussed before starting the session. Canopy position mode is handy for the student, and a reference to confirm holding area. Having the ability for the student to draw their holding area is a nice feature. Visualization of the altitude is key, and students can verbally tell the instructor altitudes throughout their flight. Sitting with the student the instructor can ask questions, and pause the simulation to discuss any issues. I like the wind indicator to review Holding, Running, Crabbing, and quiz them on canopy direction(s)once I turn the wind mode off. One on one also instills the importance of always knowing canopy positioning. Once the flight is over using flight path review shows altitudes, and descent in the holding area is great for review.
I enjoy using the program, and have no doubt it builds student confidence. I have had students walk up to me afterwards and tell me they were glad to have that extra layer of training, and it made flying easy and fun. The program will also show the instructor the student has a clear understanding of canopy flight.
-Keith Finley
"Navigation is the part of the skydive that so many new canopy pilots struggle with. This amazing simulator helps so magnificently with this very aspect of parachute flight, with realistic physics and great visuals. Imagine learning from actually making the common navigation mistakes without needing a rope and a chainsaw and a great big ladder to get back to the hangar. You can jump at a wide variety of dropzones to widen your comfort zone. Learn the sight pictures, the angles, and the time flow. I am a huge fan of SkydiVR, it is the future of parachute navigation training."
-Brian Germain, author of The Parachute and its Pilot, 30 year Canopy Course Director
- Channing Lee