Why use skydiVR?
Practice flying your parachute. Gain experience. Get confident under canopy.
Learn how to collect info during flight to make wise canopy navigation decisions.
Landing off the DZ? Landing in a cross wind? Jumping at a new DZ? You now have the ability to practice…
Land where you want to land, not where you have to land.
Some reviews of skydiVR from students and Instructors here.
Book your first lesson (it’s complimentary).
Become a safer skydiver.
How does it work?
If your DZ already has skydiVR working, you are in for a very immersive experience. You do need two VR rigs.
Or you can do a lesson online in 2D, your instructor sends you a link to the skydiVR student software.
You install this package on your PC (MAC version coming soon). PC hardware requirements are here.
Schedule a call with your instructor.
Login to their PC, using a brief-jump-debrief format you steer your virtual parachute under their tutorship.
Like AFF, you need to show your instructor what is needed to pass each jump.
Your Instructor will provide a Record of Learning, which is your evaluation sheet (example here).
What do I need to do an online 2D lesson?
A good PC connected to good internet. It takes a bit to replicate the 3D environment over a drop zone…
MAC version of student software coming soon.
Allocate approx 15 minutes per lesson (5 minute brief, 5 minute jump, 5 minute debrief)
First lesson is complimentary.
Eight lessons for $US160.
Schedule your lessons
Schedule 30 minutes for your first lesson, thereafter approx 15 minutes per lesson
For each call, find a quiet environment so you can focus on learning
You are welcome to record your lesson