Lesson 1
Targeted Learning Objectives (TLO’s):
Intro on how to use the software, to steer the parachute, how to “look around”
DZ briefing of airport operations. Traffic pattern, designated landing areas on the DZ, no fly zones, no landing zones, hazards and obstacles, possible landing areas off DZ identified
Set up:
Instructor needs to be familiar with the DZ operations: they are qualified to give a DZ briefing for the DZ to a visiting jumper
First jump is in nil winds, good spot, most common landing pattern for the DZ
Briefing drawing shows:
Wind speed and direction. For Lesson 1 there is nil winds but understanding forecast winds is part of every lesson. Draw holding area, downwind, base, final
Instructor has the option to do a demo jump to show and tell the student what they must do to pass the level which is:
Tell Instructor when they first see another canopy and track that canopy
Be in Holding area by 1000 feet
Be +/- 200 feet from their altitude points in traffic pattern
Final approach avoid any obstacles
Land comfortably on designated landing
Student jumps, Instructor can use instructor tools and advice to help student attain TLO’s
Instructor asks student to debrief themselves on the jump
Then Instructor uses debrief tools to help student align and agree on areas for improvement